Updated 22/02/2023 13:46 by Éter 7 News
Home Sports The Physical Benefits of Calistenia

The Physical Benefits of Calistenia

A calistenia, also known as endurance exercise or strength training, is a form of physical conditioning that aims to improve endurance, body strength and flexibility.


This form of training is done through the use of the body's own weight based on the basic movements of the human body., how to pull, to push, run, jump and crouch, and is used as a safe method to improve overall health.

Calisthenics can be used to develop muscle strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, coordination and balance. It is a type of training that adapts well to the needs of anyone., regardless of your fitness level or age.


Among the main objectives of practitioners of calistenia they are: develop muscle strength and endurance, increase cardiovascular endurance, improve balance and coordination, build lean muscle mass, improve flexibility, increase resistance to fatigue, improve posture and body stability, tone your muscles, lose weight and increase muscle endurance.

Benefits of Calisthenics

The benefits of calisthenics are numerous.. These include improved cardiovascular health, improvement of resistance, muscle development, flexibility improvement, improved coordination and balance, and reduced risk of injury.

Calisthenics can also help reduce chronic stress., improve overall muscle strength, increase specific muscle strength, and increase muscle mass. In addition, calisthenics can also improve posture and joint function.

Due to the intensity of the practice of calisthenics, there may be a stimulus to increase the production of testosterone.


Muscle groups worked with Calisthenics

The main muscle groups worked with calisthenics are the trunk muscles (abs, lower back and back), the leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and thighs), the muscles of the chest and arms (pectorals, deltoid, biceps and triceps), and the muscles of the neck and shoulders (trapeze, posterior deltoid and medial deltoid).


The main exercises for biceps in calisthenics are: push-ups, chin-up variations with supinated grip, similarly with the Australian slash. These exercises aim to increase strength, muscle size and definition.


The triceps is worked with stretching and strength exercises, like push ups, extensions, push-ups e dips.

These exercises help develop and strengthen the three main muscles on the back of the upper arm., the triceps brachii, the triceps longus and the triceps lateralis.


The shoulder is worked on with various strength exercises, resistance and stability.

Exercises like push-ups, press militar, pull ups and handstand are some of the most commonly used to work the shoulder.

These moves help strengthen your shoulder muscles., improve posture and prevent injuries. In addition, it is also important to perform stretches and mobility to improve the range of motion of the shoulder joints.


For cleaning, the glutes are worked mainly with hip thrust exercises, squats, Leg Bridge and Other Squat Variations.

These exercises help increase muscle endurance and tone your buttocks., helping to make them stronger and more defined.

In addition, suspension exercises are also used, such as side plank and leg lift plank, to work the gluteus muscles.

lose weight with calisthenics

As for slimming, calisthenics is considered a great way to burn calories and lose weight.

Calisthenics exercises are of moderate to high intensity, which means they help increase metabolism and burn fat.

In addition, regular practice of calisthenics helps to tone muscles and reduce adipose tissue. That's why, calisthenics is a great way to lose weight.

Necessary equipments

Calisthenics is a type of physical conditioning that does not require the use of equipment., although there are some equipment that can help to improve the training.

These include bars, resistance tapes, medicine balls, climbing ropes, and other equipment that can help improve strength and endurance.

Basic Exercises

There are many basic exercises that can be performed as part of a calisthenics program..

These include push ups, abs, squats, triceps pulldown, Arm flexion, polichinelo, board, side bending, and many others.

These exercises can be performed together or separately., depending on the person's goal.

Training program, How to Start Practicing Calisthenics?

A calisthenics program should be based on your ability, fitness level and goals.

It is important to start with basic exercises and gradually increase the intensity and difficulty to build endurance and strength gradually., to avoid injuries. In addition, it is important to rest between workouts to allow the body to recover.

The most basic recommended exercises are: push ups, abs, squats and planks. After establishing a good level of strength and endurance, start adding more calisthenics exercises, like elevations, parallel bars, push-ups with rotation, side push-ups, among others.

for each exercise, start with a series of 8 a 10 repetitions, and gradually increase the amount, as you get used to the practice.

In addition, It's important to stretch before and after training, to prevent injuries and improve flexibility. Finally, the practice of calisthenics must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet, so that the results are more effective.

Mental Training for Calisthenics

A mental calisthenics workout is a set of techniques and mental exercises specifically designed to help improve your calisthenics performance..

This training includes visualization techniques, concentration, breathing, meditation and stress management, among others, aiming to help practitioners develop their mental strength to improve calisthenics performance.

More specifically, mental training for calisthenics helps improve concentration, focus and self-confidence. It also helps to develop a more positive mindset and keep you motivated in your workouts..

Ergonomics and Posture in Calisthenics

Ergonomics and posture in calisthenics are very important to avoid injuries.

It is important that the movements are performed in a controlled manner and with the correct posture.. The main objective of calisthenics is to develop muscle control and strength., therefore, exercises must be performed with maximum precision.

Spine alignment is key to maintaining correct posture during movements. In addition, it is important to maintain body stability to increase muscle strength and endurance. It is also important to keep the muscles relaxed during the exercises to avoid pain and injury..

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It is important to be careful with calisthenics, as it can be dangerous if not carried out correctly.

It is important to use the right technique to avoid injury and to always use proper equipment.. In addition, it is important to be careful when performing resistance exercises, as they can be very challenging.

Food and Nutrition for Calisthenics Practitioners

Nutrition for practitioners of calisthenics must follow the same nutritional principles that govern all other sports activities: a healthy and balanced diet, that includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats in adequate amounts.

Intake of protein-rich foods, eat lean meats, fish, eggs, milk and its derivatives, is recommended, as well as the consumption of complex carbohydrates, like whole grain breads, Integral rice, oat, etc.

As calisthenics requires a lot of energy, it is important to eat foods high in calories, like dried fruits, chestnuts, avocado, olive oil, etc.

Another important tip for those who practice calisthenics is to maintain a good level of hydration. Water intake and fruit juice are essential to keep the body hydrated and prevent dehydration and fatigue during practice..

Calisthenics Challenges and Competitions

Some of the top calisthenics challenges and competitions:

1. Battle of the Bars: An international calisthenics competition held annually. Participants come together to perform a series of calisthenics exercises in three main categories: basic calisthenics, in team and in pair.

2. World Street Workout & Calisthenics Federation: This organization is dedicated to the promotion of calisthenics worldwide, organizing international competitions, seminars and workshops.

3. Iron Maiden Challenge: An individual calisthenics challenge aimed at women. The aim is to bring together women from all over the world to promote calisthenics and encourage them to become stronger..

4. Street Workout World Cup: An annual calisthenics competition that brings together athletes from around the world. Contestants perform some of the most difficult calisthenics techniques to compete for prizes.

Calistenia no Youtube

There are many channels on YouTube dedicated to calisthenics, that offer videos with tutorials, exercise demonstrations, training programs and other related content.

These channels are also great for finding other people who practice calisthenics so you can connect and exchange tips and information..

Calisthenics in Brazil

Calisthenics in Brazil is increasingly popular.

Each year, more people practice this type of activity. There are many academies in the country that offer calisthenics with specialized training to perfect the technique..

Some gyms also offer classes for beginners., so that everyone can benefit from the benefits of calisthenics.

Applications for Calisthenics

Applications for calisthenics can vary greatly depending on the creator. Some apps are simple, containing only calisthenics exercises and guidelines for practitioners.

Others are more advanced and offer a personalized training program., monitoring features, metrics, videos, tutorials and other tools to assist in the practice of calisthenics.

Calistenia: A True High Performance Training Alternative

Calisthenics is a great way to improve fitness. It's a safe and effective way to improve stamina., body strength and flexibility.

It is a very simple and accessible physical training, being an incredible option for those who are looking to start exercising and improve their health.

In addition, it's a fun and challenging way to exercise. Finally, it is important to remember to follow safety recommendations when performing any type of resistance training.

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