Updated 02/06/2023 15:12 by Éter 7 News
Home Sports Benefits of cycling to lose weight: Improve your health while losing weight

Benefits of cycling to lose weight: Improve your health while losing weight

Cycling is an excellent physical activity to lose weight, as well as being a fun and eco-friendly way to get around.

It can be practiced in various intensities, adapting to the needs of each individual. In addition, is an activity that can be practiced alone or in a group, outdoors or in gyms.

In this article, let's explore the benefits of cycling to lose weight and how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals.


Burning calories

O cycling is a physical activity that burns a lot of calories, especially if it is practiced in high intensity.

According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, a person who rides at high intensity can burn between 500 and 1000 calories per hour, depending on weight and intensity of exercise.

Even if you pedal at a lower intensity, still will be burning calories and contributing to weight loss.

Increased metabolism

Cycling can also boost your metabolism, o que é essencial para a perda de peso.

When you pedal, your body needs energy to keep pace and, therefore, burns more calories than when you're at rest.

Adding to this, the increase in muscle mass that occurs with cycling can help increase basal metabolism, which means you'll burn more calories even when you're at rest.

Basal metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) necessary to maintain the vital functions of an organism at rest. It is a measure of the amount of calories the body burns to maintain basic vital processes, like breathing, blood circulation, digestion, maintaining body temperature, and protein synthesis. It is important to calculate the amount of calories required for a person to maintain their weight.


Reduction of body fat

Cycling can also help reduce body fat, especially abdominal fat.

According to a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, cycling can help reduce abdominal fat in both men and women, which is important because abdominal fat is associated with a higher risk of chronic diseases, how diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Improved cardiovascular health

Cycling is a physical activity that benefits cardiovascular health, as it helps to strengthen the heart and lungs.

When you pedal, your heart works harder to deliver oxygen to your muscles and, as a result, the heart gets stronger.

Even more, cycling helps reduce blood pressure, what is important to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Stress reduction

Cycling can also help reduce stress, what's important for mental health.

When you pedal, your body releases endorphins, which helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Beyond these points, outdoor cycling can be a relaxing and pleasurable activity, allowing you to enjoy the scenery and nature.

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Improved mobility

Cycling can also help improve mobility, especially in the elderly.

According to a study published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, cycling can help improve flexibility and joint mobility in the elderly, what is important to prevent injuries and increase independence in old age.

Affordable and sustainable

In addition to all the health benefits, cycling is also an affordable and sustainable option for physical activity.

Unlike other physical activities, as gym and high-performance sports, cycling requires minimal investment and can be practiced almost anywhere.

What's more, it is an eco-friendly alternative, as it does not emit polluting gases and helps to reduce traffic and pollution in cities.

Reduced risk of injury

Cycling is also a low-impact physical activity., which means it reduces the risk of joint injuries, especially on the legs and knees.

Unlike sports like racing, that have a high impact on joints, cycling does not overload the joints and may be a safer option for people with chronic injuries or pain.

Variety of options

O ciclismo oferece uma grande variedade de opções para quem deseja reduce.

You can pedal outdoors, such as parks and trails, or indoors, as gyms and indoor cycling studios.

Adding to that, there are different types of bicycles, as mountain bikes, road bikes and spinning bikes, each with its particularities and intensities.

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How to start cycling to lose weight?

If you are interested in starting to ride a bike to lose weight after having observed all the benefits of this physical activity, here are some tips to get started:

Choose a suitable bike: There are many types of bicycles available, each with its specific purpose and characteristics. To lose weight, you can choose a bike that is comfortable and suited to your skill level and goals.. If you are a beginner, can start with a touring or hybrid bike. If you want something more challenging, you can choose a road bike or mountain bike.

Check your bike: Before you start walking, check that the bike is in good condition, with calibrated tyres, brakes working properly and chain lubricated.

Adjust the bike correctly: It is important to adjust the height of the saddle and the handlebars of the bike to ensure a comfortable and safe position. If you have no experience in adjusting the bike, can seek the help of a professional. This professional is known as bike fitter.

Start slow: If you are a beginner, start with shorter, easier routes. It is better to start slowly and increase the intensity and duration with the time.

Use safety equipment: To ensure your safety, Wear helmet and proper clothing, such as shorts and light t-shirts and comfortable sneakers.

Set realistic goals: To lose weight with cycling, it is important to set realistic and achievable goals. Start with small goals, how to pedal by 30 minutes or travel a specific distance. Over time, you can increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.

Combine cycling with healthy eating: Cycling is a great way to burn calories, but to get the best results, it is important to combine physical activity with a healthy and balanced diet.

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In brief, to start cycling to lose weight, it is important to choose a suitable bike, check your bike, adjust it correctly, start slowly, use safety equipment, set realistic goals and combine cycling with healthy eating.

With time and practice, you can reap the benefits before you imagine!


Pedal your way to a healthy life

All in all, cycling is a complete physical activity, that can help you lose weight, improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, improve mobility and reduce the risk of injury.

In addition, is an affordable and sustainable option, that can be practiced in different environments and intensities, adapting to the needs and objectives of each individual.

So, if you want to lose weight in a healthy and pleasurable way, consider adding cycling to your exercise routine.

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