Updated 01/02/2023 17:10 by Éter 7 News
Home Man Free and Total Testosterone: Find out how it affects your body!

Free and Total Testosterone: Find out how it affects your body!

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. It is produced in the testes and responsible for developing male sexual characteristics., such as muscles and sperm production. It is essential for male sexual and reproductive health.


There are two types of testosterone: free testosterone and total testosterone. Free and total testosterone levels can be measured through a blood test..

It is important for men to understand their levels of this hormone so they can monitor their sexual health and reproductive.


What is Free Testosterone?

Free testosterone is the percentage of testosterone that is not bound to proteins in the blood.. It is responsible for producing the biological effects and is the most important type of testosterone for male sexual health..

What is Total Testosterone?

Total testosterone is the total amount of testosterone in the blood, including free testosterone and protein-bound testosterone. It is important for sexual health, as it is responsible for regulating estrogen levels and producing sperm.

What is the difference between Free and Total Testosterone?

The main difference between free and total testosterone is that free testosterone is the percentage of testosterone that does not bind to proteins in the blood and is responsible for biological effects., while total testosterone is the total amount of testosterone in the blood, including free testosterone and protein-bound testosterone.

What is the normal level of Free and Total Testosterone?

Normal levels of free and total testosterone vary by age group.. in adult men, the normal range for free testosterone is 8 – 60 ng/dL and the normal range for total testosterone is 240 – 950 of/dL.

How is the Free and Total Testosterone Test done??

Testing for free and total testosterone is done through a blood test.. The test measures levels of this hormone in the blood and is important for monitoring male sexual and reproductive health..

What can cause low Free and Total Testosterone levels?

low levels of free and total testosterone may be caused by health problems, like obesity, chronic diseases, eating disorders, medication use, problems with the testicles and diseases of the pituitary gland.

What are the consequences of low Free and Total Testosterone levels?

Low levels of free and total testosterone can cause a range of symptoms., like decreased libido, loss of bone mass, loss of muscle mass, body fat gain, chronic fatigue, memory problems and low sexual performance.

What are the foods that increase the level of testosterone?

1. Eggs: rich in vitamin D, zinc and protein, eggs are an especially beneficial food for testosterone production.

2. Nuts: rich in selenium, Vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-9, walnuts are a great source of testosterone.

3. Red meat: lean meats are rich in iron and zinc, essential nutrients for testosterone production.

4. Olive oil: the oleic acid present in olive oil helps to produce testosterone.

5. Avocados: rich in vitamin E, zinc and omega-9, avocados are great for boosting testosterone levels.

6. Salmon: rich in vitamin D and omega-3, salmon is great for boosting testosterone levels.

7. lentils: rich in zinc and iron, lentils are also excellent for boosting testosterone levels.

What is the importance of physical exercises for Testosterone?

Regular practice of physical exercises is extremely important to increase testosterone levels.. Studies show that aerobic and resistance activities can increase testosterone levels by up to 20%.

In addition, these exercises help maintain the health of the reproductive organs and sperm production, in addition to improving blood circulation.

So, Exercising regularly is essential for maintaining adequate testosterone levels and improving overall well-being..

How low Free and Total Testosterone levels are treated?

If free and total testosterone levels are low, it is important to seek medical help. Treatment may include lifestyle changes, how to improve nutrition, reduce stress, exercise and stop smoking. If necessary, the doctor may recommend testosterone replacement therapy.

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What are the implications of testosterone supplementation?

Testosterone supplementation may have significant health implications.

The most common adverse effects are increased blood pressure, fluid retention, acne, excessive growth of facial and body hair, sleep disturbances, aggressiveness, altered mood, reduced libido and infertility.

In addition, there is concern about the risk of developing prostate tumors, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hepatic adverse effects, abnormal cholesterol levels and other problems.

See also:

Long-term, Testosterone supplementation can lead to serious health problems, therefore, it is important that it be done carefully and under medical supervision.

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Testosterone is the main male sex hormone responsible for developing male sex characteristics, produce sperm and regulate estrogen levels. If levels are low, it is important to seek medical help to carry out the appropriate treatment.

Increasing testosterone naturally is a great option to improve your health, performance and lifestyle. There are many health benefits associated with a healthy testosterone level., including mood enhancement, bone health, Improved libido and sexual performance, better physical conditioning, increase in muscle mass, better metabolism and heart function.

In addition, Increasing testosterone naturally is generally safer than using testosterone-boosting supplements or medications.. By increasing testosterone naturally, you get the benefits without the potentially worrisome side effects associated with medications or supplements.

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