Updated 16/02/2024 15:23 by Éter 7 News
Home Cinema The Shining by Stanley Kubrick: A Psychological Odyssey Through the Corridors of Fear

The Shining by Stanley Kubrick: A Psychological Odyssey Through the Corridors of Fear

On a dizzying dive through the human mind, Stanley Kubrick, the master of cinema, gave us one of the most disturbing and brilliant cinematographic works of all time: “The illuminated” (The Shining, 1980).


Based on the book of the same name by Stephen King, This film is an immersive experience that transcends the barriers of the horror genre, penetrating the recesses of the human psyche.

Jack Torrance Journey: Between Reality and Madness

The plot of “The illuminated” follows the journey of the Torrance family, composed by Jack (played magnificently by Jack Nicholson), Wendy (played by Shelley Duvall) and Danny (played by Danny Lloyd), who moves into the isolated Overlook Hotel for the winter, when it closes its doors to the public.


Jack takes on the role of hotel caretaker in hopes of finding inspiration for his writing, while fighting your own inner demons.

O Hotel Overlook, with its endless corridors and secrets buried in the walls, takes a central role in the narrative.

Kubrick skillfully transforms the hotel into a psychological maze, where characters are confronted with their deepest, most disturbing fears.

The hotel's architecture itself seems to defy logic and coherence, reflecting the increasing disintegration of Jack's sanity.

Kubrick's Cinematic Mastery

Stanley Kubrick, Known for his obsessive precision and attention to detail, uses every cinematic element at its disposal to create an atmosphere of increasing tension and paranoia.

The stunning cinematography of “The illuminated” captures the vastness and solitude of the hotel, while unusual camera angles and long takes intensify the viewer's sense of unease.

The soundtrack, composed by Wendy Carlos and Rachel Elkind, is a symphony of horror that perfectly complements the images on screen, increasing the feeling of discomfort and strangeness.

The use of classical music, such as “Dance of the Hours” de Amilcare Ponchielli, in contrast to contemporary pieces, creates an atmosphere of dissonance that echoes the characters' internal conflicts.

The Horror of the Shattered Family

Amid the supernatural horror of the Overlook Hotel, “The illuminated” also addresses deeply human themes, such as family and alienation.

The dysfunctional dynamics of the Torrance family are a central element of the narrative, with the troubled relationship between Jack and his son Danny serving as the catalyst for the supernatural events that unfold.

Jack Nicholson's performance as Jack Torrance is an acting tour de force, depicting the gradual transformation of a man tormented by guilt and frustration into an unstoppable force of destruction.

Shelley Duvall brings a palpable vulnerability to the role of Wendy, while Danny Lloyd delivers an impressive performance as young Danny, whose innocence is torn apart by the evil forces that plague the hotel.

The Ambiguity of Terror

One of the greatest achievements of “The illuminated” is its ability to provoke fear and discomfort without resorting to clichés or extravagant special effects.

Kubrick opts for a more subtle and psychological approach, leaving much of the terror to the viewer's imagination.

The film's disturbing images – from the ghostly twins to the enigmatic garden labyrinth – are left open to interpretation, allowing horror to manifest itself in ways unique to each viewer.

Doctor Sleep, Continuing the Legacy of “The illuminated”

The sequel to Stanley Kubrick's classic, “The illuminated”, came to life on the big screen with the film “Doctor Sleep”, based on the book of the same name by Stephen King.

Masterfully directed by Mike Flanagan, this film delves even deeper into the troubled psyche of Danny Torrance, now adult, as he struggles to overcome his childhood traumas and confront new supernatural threats.

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“Doctor Sleep” is not content with being just a sequel, but a gritty and moving exploration of the aftermath of the horror Danny experienced at the Overlook Hotel.

Combining elements of psychological horror with a journey of personal redemption, the film expands the universe of “The illuminated” in unexpected and captivating ways, providing an immersive and emotionally intense cinematic experience for fans of the original and new viewers alike.

Conclusion: The Legacy of “The illuminated”

Four decades after its launch, “The illuminated” remains a masterpiece of horror cinema and one of Stanley Kubrick's most influential creations.

His innovative approach and deep exploration of the human psyche continue to fascinate and disturb viewers of all generations.

Like a journey through the corridors of the human mind, “The illuminated” challenges us to confront our deepest fears and question the nature of reality.

Ultimately, “The illuminated” It's more than just a horror movie – is a reflection on the fragility of the human mind, the nature of evil and the terrors that reside within ourselves.

It is a timeless masterpiece that continues to illuminate the darkest recesses of the human soul., securing its place as an unparalleled landmark in the world of cinema.

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2 thoughts on “The Shining by Stanley Kubrick: A Psychological Odyssey Through the Corridors of Fear”

  1. São filmes espetaculares.
    Assisti a ambos e realmente fiquei apavorada, com a possibilidade de que possam existir estas criaturas no mundo.
    Mexe com nosso imaginário.

  2. São filmes incríveis!, e com uma densidade e profundidade nos conteúdos como um todo, que nos toca e nos leva aos sentimentos mais primitivos, entre medos, suspenses, sensações súbitas e inesperadas…, surpresas e receios imediatos das cenas que ora se desenvolvem
    Observamos também, percepções de coisas sinistras vagando num certo vazio temporal, que andam lado a lado com mistérios que nos desnorteiam em alguns momentos
    Criação da mente humana, seus desdobramentos gerais e cenas tão assistidas como emocionalmente vividas !!…


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